You're probably wondering "what on earth is he on about?" but you'll see where I'm going with this shortly. I wrote this article as there seems to be a lot of people with gym memberships who don't use them, throwing hundreds of pounds down the drain. Sound familiar? I wanted to write a piece that will give you something to think about.
So, would you go to hire a car if you didn't know how to drive? Of course the answer is no. You would be wasting your money. You wouldn't even be able to drive out of the rental shop, let alone to wherever you wanted to travel to. Your options are limited to buses, trains and taxis etc.
The way you train and your mode of transport
I am going to flip it around now and say your local gym is your car hire company. You pay them to hire their facilities and you sort of know what to do to lose weight, tone, build muscle and nutritionally educate one’s self. You’ll try what you know for a few months and then you’ll stop seeing results. This is like understanding what is needed to drive, but not actually knowing how to. You start to move, but then you stall and you are back to square one.
So, the next option is to try classes. However, the workouts are generic and don’t get you to where you want to be. (This is like your bus or train that will take you part of the way but you still need to travel that last little bit).
Then there are Personal Trainers who will guide you on what you need to do. Tell your Personal Trainer what you want to achieve, let them do all the programming for you to help you reach your health, fitness and nutritional goals. These are your knowledge knowing cabbies. You told them you wanted to go from A to B and they took you there. It cost you a little bit more but your cabbie took you right where you wanted to be and you didn't have to worry about a thing. It was quicker too.
Don't waste your time or money.
Think wisely about your fitness choices. If you are currently training and unsure of what you doing, or you’re training for hours and not getting anywhere with it, reconsider your options. Don't push all that effort you made to the side, to stall like the car and go back to square one.
Don't give up; we would love to see you succeed no matter what you do!
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